About Peel Electrical Contractors

Peel Electrical Contractors has a very strong team of licensed electricians and a Master Electrian. Our policy is to provide professional and efficient services at a reasonable price within the time line. Quality of work and honesty is our priority. There is no job too small for us.

Why Choose Us

  • We have extensive work experience relating to residential, commercial and industrial establishments.
  • All of our services are guaranteed for workmanship and quality.
  • We are insured and bondable.
  • Our specialization is in service upgrades (from 60amps to 100-200)
  • New construction, renovations of restaurants, hotels, motels, residential kitchens/washrooms, basement rewiring.
  • Conduct troubleshooting in commerical and residential premises.
  • Conduct troubleshooting in commerical and residential premises.
  • Installation of power to hot tubs
Why CHoose Us


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